Mar 16, 2018

Research number one

I watched Gone Girl  (2014) today. I'd heard it was full of suspense and a movie that really made you sympathize with and simultaneously hate the main character. I think this was achieved through the acting, Amy played by Rosamund Pike, and Nick played by Ben Affleck, were incredibly ranged in their emotions. This coupled with the brilliant way the story was presented, with Nick blaming Amy and acting super innocent, and then Amy blaming Nick and acting all innocent, only to find out that SPOILER they're both horribile people, really makes the audience question what is real and what lies they are being fed. I liked how well thought out he character of Amy was. She had her whole backstory and reasons for her actions. And even though the audience would never approve of what she is doing, they completely understand why she is. The movie played with my sy,pathy for the characters by presenting information very slowly and misleadingly, I hope to do this with my short film.

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I've learned a lot throughout this film. Mainly what I am capable of doing when I really enjoy it. I do feel like I could have done a l...